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From zero to a runner hero (?)

If someone would have told me 6 years ago that I would be able to run for more than five minuts without stopping abruptly grasping for my life, I for sure would have taken them for bloody fools. At that time I weighed 50 pounds more, the doctors gave me that look : boy you will hardly be able to top over 55 years old. Yet I find myself today with two marathons at my back, on top of a fair number of half Marathons, 10K , trail circuits and a large list of personal achievements I am proud of. Do not mistake me, I am hardly a record breaker nor a top performer, even for my group age, but I enjoy every tiny improvement in my performance as If I were crowned among the gods of the stadium. How did I get there? I fairly can say: baby steps, discipline and sacrifice. Baby steps: Rome was not built in a day, nor you can build changes in your body in short period of times. You need first of all to build a plan to where you want to get, visualize what is your final objective. Then you
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My first entry

Well, I am glad to start this blog. Welcome. I will try to write about stuff, I maybe focusing on SciFi litterature but I am sure will end up writing about a whole kind of different things. I hope you'll enjoy it and get something new from it. Kanyamakan.